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Monthly Archives: July 2023

5 foods to avoid, the risk of "immunity" is reduced

5 foods to avoid, the risk of “immunity” is reduced

In addition to food that boosts immunity to the body There are still some foods that should be avoided or reduced. Because it may also reduce the efficiency of the immune system. The Times of India website compiled 5 foods to avoid. The risk of decreased immunity Try to limit the amount of

Checklist of 5 important nutrients that men should get enough

Checklist of 5 important nutrients that men should get enough

You guys who want to have good health listen to this way. Because today we have important foods that help increase sexual performance. And has a positive effect on the health of men to leave It is a food that is easy to find, inexpensive, and nourishes the body naturally. No

3 essential nutrients Help strengthen the immune system.

3 essential nutrients Help strengthen the immune system.

strengthening the body’s immune system to function effectively. This can be done by eating foods that help build immunity for the body. Along with regular exercise Helps to enhance the functioning of the immune system. Can reduce the risk or severity of various viruses  3 essential nutrients that contribute