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Daily Archives: March 31, 2024

5 Checklist: Do you have abnormal eating behavior?

5 Checklist: Do you have abnormal eating behavior?

Let’s start by examining ourselves. Check the list of these 5 items to see if they are considered to be Eating Disorder, abnormal eating behavior or not. 1. Have you ever made yourself vomit? 2. Are you worried that you cannot control the amount of

What is Tramadol? What is it used to treat? And how dangerous?

What is Tramadol? What is it used to treat? And how dangerous?

From the news that the Ministry of Public Health issued a warning about “Tramadol”   or the green-yellow medicine. It’s a dangerous drug. This makes many people wonder what Tramadol is, what it is used to treat, according to the Mahidol University website. Faculty of Medicine Sirirat

9 foods that are bitter but are beneficial to health

9 foods that are bitter but are beneficial to health

Many people may be familiar with bitter foods. But did you know that bitter foods have many health benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and reducing inflammation? Even though bitter foods are often overlooked in the food world, Because the taste